SINNE IS a vISual ExpERIENcE about thE SuN. MadE oF REcYclEd IRoN-oN-bEadS, INtENS aNd Full oF colouR aNd lIFE. but MoSt oF all Full oF gRatItudE. thE SuN IS So IMpoRtaNt, aNd I havE bEEN takEN that FoR gRaNtEd. I MadE SINNE to Show MY gRatItudE towaRdS thE SuN aNd INvItEd thE publIc to takE that IN.
On the wall You could SEE all thE dIFFERENt hExagoNS that aRE IN thE INStallatIoN. While sitting on the chair you were able to spot them all. 

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